This is an on-line tool to generate Hârnic
pricelists. Prices in a given location vary according to a price level and
which professions are available at a site. This tool assumes you are passingly
familiar with the way prices are generated. It generates the minimum and
maximum prices at a gven level for a given item. The data this tool works on
is a price list taken off the Web, which in turn is based on work by Stephen
Use the form below to specify the price level and the
professions at your site. Here are some more caveats:
Items shown need not be those that are actually available. Most shops
will not have every item in stock.
Some businesses will have certain items in stock when other shops that
have the primary right to sell these are not present. Chandlers are the prime
example. Since there are no guidelines for this, I didn't make any up for this
Prices are also governed by season and vicinity of resources. This is
not reflected by the tool.
Important Note: The output generated is subject to
the LGPL (Lesser Gnu Public
License) as long as compliance with this license does not violate
rights held by Columbia Games Inc. or N. Robin Crossby.