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Antir Population Chart

Acreage LQ Ivinian Jarin
  ANTIR 900 0.95 7 19
          Hyflyin 320 0.93 - 8
          Villym 410 0.97 - 10
          Wyst 1050 0.95 4 19
      Buorn 730 0.94 5 10
          Gal 610 0.94 - 18
      Daljom 1250 0.95 9 20
          Gierfyn 390 0.96 - 15
          Koryb 600 0.94 - 12
      Gilinon 1180 0.95 7 23
          Ilian 620 0.93 - 15
      Ostenheim 900 0.90 4 19

Hârnworld and Hârnmaster are copyright by N. Robin Crossby. and Columbia Games.
Copright 2003 Michael Jung < >