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Pethwys Population Chart

Acreage LQ Ivinian Jarin
  PETHWYS 2680 1.01 2 67
          Ffanrylr 290 1.01 - 14
          Sanuromer 700 0.99 - 10
      Gowys 1900 0.99 - 40
          Daroryd 130 0.99 - 8
          Cicre 380 0.97 - 8
          Ecies 280 0.98 - 11
      Heimet 1240 0.99 - 36
          Halym 460 1.00 - 8
          Hycabon 520 0.99 - 11
      Pethorn 1110 1.00 - 29
          Lythwes 730 0.99 - 18
      Sahel 610 0.97 - 15
      Tosage 590 0.98 - 17
          Maanffyl 630 0.98 - 13

Hârnworld and Hârnmaster are copyright by N. Robin Crossby. and Columbia Games.
Copright 2003 Michael Jung < >