Script not executed will stop foreign frames.



Presently there are four lines, which can be checked. Suppose you check the one labelled "map". You can then direct a browser to "http://host:8080/map", where you will see a player map. host needs to be replaced by the name or IP address of the machine the UGMT runs on. Be warned to NOT run this tool on the internet, only behind a firewall in your local area network. While the functionality of the web-server the UGMT represents with the export plugin is extremely curtailed, there is no warranty.

You can similarly export the index-pages from the index plugin.

With "http://host:8080/characters/code" a HTML-charactersheet can be retrieved, where code is the code of the character assigned by the chars-plugin. Don't forget to check the button.

Finally, you can export sketches from the sketch plugin by addressing "http://host:8080/sketch/". You can export directories and sketches themselves. To export a certain sketch the hierarchy above it need not be exported, but it aids navigation. You need to specify the exports on an individual basis, which is administered by the sketch plugin. This plugin only checks the possibility of export on a total basis.

If you use the export plugin often, you may want to set some default exports. Edit the "properties" file in the directory "export" inside your UGMT installation and include a line like export = map. If you want several exports to be pre-checked, combine them on a single line like export = map,sketch.

There is an elaborate feature called fog in the map plugin, which is explicitly created for use with export (but you can show modified versions directly without resorting to the export plugin). The simple version is a button labelled fog in the map plugin, which creates a circular fog, which fades to black at the boundary of the visible screen. The export plugin honours this information hiding. But you can also press the Free fog button (which turns into the reverse Full view button) and then hide/uncover the map freely. Simple clicking the mouse left or right will hide or uncover a circular area with a small fading halo. If you shift-left-click, you can fully hide or uncover a polygon. Each time you simply left-click, another corner is added. A simple right-click removes the corner added last. The final corner is made by also pressing the shift key. The button you press on the mouse determines, whether you uncover or hide an area.

Note the radio buttons on the left, directly below the layers. The button that is selected determines the layer that you operate on. This means that you can hide and show parts of a map selectively, provided the map you use has layers. Layers can be switched on and off by the checkboxes above. This unfortunately currently destroys the fogs you have edited so far. But changing scale does not. The left-most radiobutton belongs to the base layer, it is always present.

Last modified 2006-01-28 by Michael Jung <>
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