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Turn to the map plugin. Select the Sherwyn map in the Community/Local section which has Linon on it. Hold down the Shift button and press the left mouse button while the mouse overs over the circel that represents Linon. This will get your group to their home town: Linon.

Turn to the travel plugin. The marker should be on Linon. The next stop from Linon to Sherwyn is "Tirdatr". Click with the right mouse button on the circle that represents Tirdatr. The distance information should say "0:27" (more or less, depending on your aim). Two buttons below that, it should tell us we're traveling on a trail through flat terrain. So twentyseven minutes later we would be there. Now click left. The button below the distance information should now show the total move we made without rest: 27 minutes. Nothing much to worry about. We can travel the trail to Sherwyn with as many intermediate stops as we wish. The more, the more accurate the travel, the less the speedier the game. In this tutorial we skip this phase. For one, it is relatively fast and easily accomplished, regardless of the number of stops. But on the other hand, the time taken depends on the weather, which we cannot forecast, as we already know. In "dry" conditions this trip should take about 10-12 hours without rest.

We will pause shortly to explain the mode button here. By right-clicking you get a popup that shows you the current modes you travel with. To change these, you need to switch to the Group plugin. When travelling, the tool alway chooses the slowest mode.

Another form of travel is possible through the weather plugin. Say, the "Graewirs" like to wait in Sherwyn until 1 o'clock, when the meet with the Valhakar, or they stay until a rain shower subsides on their way back home. You can right click on the field, where this event takes place to find how long you'd have to wait or left click to go there immediately. That's travel through time only.

Suppose the PCs have never been to Sherwyn and would like to see a map of the area. We are still a nasty GM, so we wont let them see all. Turn to the map plugin and press Locate active. Sherwyn should be centered. Now resize the whole tool in a way that the area you wish to divulge is shown and no more. To make things worse (or more classy) press the Foggy view button. The view now slowly fades away as we move from the center to the border, where it is pitch black. Now let the players come around and have look. A word of advice: don't scroll or resize a map with the foggy view on. It's terribly slow. Rather let the players sit down again and press the button Full view (as it is called now) to make things more GM-like.

Last modified 2005-10-10 by Michael Jung <>
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